For quite some time I have been on the campaign to bring "back the burb" from the sunken world it unwillingly dove into. Whilst submerged under the sea of chavs in their checked hats and scarfs, it's brand image was in a fairly volatile state...
I however loved it and wanted it. Maybe the fact that it was founded in Basingstoke [which I am half Basingstokian] had an effect?! Anyway, I perchaced a classic Novacheck scarf back in the day, possibly subjecting myself to be added as a member of the newly labeled Chav tribe of the the 90s, but swiftly putting it at the back of my cupboard along with my denim jacket and other such 'i would rather die than be seen in' items after this was brought to my attention. Yet as the denim jacket looked less like a b*witched costume and found it's way back on to my back a couple of years ago the Burberry scarf came out too. Trying to recruit new members was of the movement was harder than I had anticipated however, few truly believed in it. But there was a small number and they wore their checks with pride.
So, as their brand says, prorsum [which is of course Latin for forwards]. And forwards they certainly have come; Christopher Baily put the check back in fashion with the exploded version adorning the models in 2006 [see above]. Finally, their A/W collection is soooo much of a winner, there are people bringing out the sheerling already, even though it is verging on summer....